Your brain doesn’t know the difference between your physical reality and the reality you create in your mind.

How to attract your dream job… it’s easier than you think!

Nicole Steen


Visualizing your way to your dream job

There’s a lot of buzz around visualizing your goals these days. It’s the idea that if you can hold it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand — and this can apply to almost anything in your life, but here, I’m specifically going to talk about visualizing your way to your dream job.

Before you turn running, thinking I’m going to get into some hippy, dippy, woo woo stuff, hear me out — especially if you’re feeling stuck in your career.

Maybe you’re bored with your current job, tired of dealing with an overbearing boss, fed up with your annoying coworkers, or simply feel like you’re not pursuing your calling. Whatever the reason is for your unhappiness in your job, you can change it!

Of course, finding your dream job is easier said than done, right? Maybe not. It takes time, commitment, and patience to manifest your dream role and you can nudge the process along by using a technique called visualization.

What is visualization?

Visualization is simply the ability to create a clear picture in your mind of the exact circumstance or situation that you wish to experience. It’s seeing, feeling, and wholeheartedly believing in a future outcome — whether it’s landing your dream job, running a marathon, or reaching a monetary goal — before it happens and before you have any idea how it will happen.

This technique is also commonly referred to as intention setting, the law of attraction, and positive thinking. Regardless of what you call it, it all boils down to one thing: being so clear and intentional about your goal and so obsessed with achieving it that you can actually see and feel yourself reaching it. By doing this, you can transform your visualization into reality.

Visualization is backed by science

If you can learn how to harness the power of your thoughts, you can achieve anything you want. You see, when you visualize accomplishing a specific goal, your brain then interprets that imagery and the feelings it creates as reality. As a result, your brain will create new neural pathways to support the reality that you’ve created in your mind.

Sound crazy? It’s not! Athletes have famously been using visualization as a tool for years to accomplish their goals, but it can be used by anyone and for any goal.

Visualization activates the same regions of your brain that you activate when you’re actually performing the task. This concept is so powerful that it can change our electrochemical brain waves.

If you’re feeling unsure and questioning if this can really work for you, know that visualization is a learned process that takes time and practice, but it does work. There are hundreds of thousands of personal accounts… including my own!

Next, I’ll go through how you can use this technique to begin painting a picture in your mind of your dream job so that you can find yourself in that exact position.

How to harness the power of visualization to land your dream job

If you’re ready to drastically change your reality and finally live a life full of excitement, happiness, and fulfillment — it all starts here with these easy-to-implement steps. I urge you to keep an open mind as you embark on this journey.

1. Write it down.
Start by writing down a list of your skills, talents, and abilities. Take some time to think about jobs that you’re not just qualified for, but that you would enjoy doing. What lights your soul on fire? Try not to let negative feelings and emotions (like fear) cloud your vision — thinking things like “I love knitting, but I can’t make a living doing that” won’t serve you. Whatever your passion or goals — no matter how farfetched they may seem — write them down.

2. Create the picture in your mind.
Once you’ve determined what your dream job is, imagine that it’s yours. Envision yourself waking up, getting dressed, and driving to the office. What does the office look like? What are you wearing? How do you feel? Get specific and utilize all of your five senses.

3. Consider how you feel when you achieve your goal.
Take some time to think about the lifestyle you’ll have thanks to your dream job. Are you happier? Is there more money in your bank account? Can you finally take your family on that vacation you’ve been dreaming of? Picture your paycheck — what’s the dollar amount? How will that money benefit and support you and your family?

4. Practice visualization / get obsessed.
Once you have a crystal clear picture in your mind of your dream career, it’s time to put the power of visualization to work. You can’t just visualize it once, it takes repetitive action — you need to become obsessed with your goal, so much so that it’s always at the forefront of your mind. It’s helpful to write your goal down on an index card and stick it in your pocket or tack it up by your desk — somewhere where you’ll see it often throughout your day.

Additionally, get in the habit of dedicating five minutes every morning and five minutes before bed to manifesting your goal and creating your dream job. Sit somewhere quiet and free of distractions where you can dedication 100% of your energy to your visualization.

5. Implement traditional job search strategies.
While visualization is undoubtedly a powerful and effective tool, you still have to take physical action towards landing your dream job. This includes things like updating your LinkedIn profile, creating a new resume, applying for your dream position, enrolling in classes or a program that will help bolster your skills, etc.

It’s the combination of traditional job search strategies with your innate power that will give you the best shot at achieving your career goals and living the happy, fulfilled life you deserve.

28-day job search bootcamp

I’ve made it even simpler for you to get started with visualizing your way to your dream job with my new FREE 28-day job search bootcamp. I take you through 28 days of actionable steps — both traditional strategies and visualization techniques — that will help guide you through the process of harnessing your innate power to attract the things you want most out of life.

Click here to get started today! What do you have to lose? Your dream career is waiting.



Nicole Steen

Expert resume writer + designer. Time and space adventurer. Believer in magic.