Alignment. We’ve all heard of it. What does it look like?

It’s important that your career is aligned with your life’s purpose. Here’s why.

Nicole Steen


Do you feel stuck in a job that’s boring and leaving you feeling unfulfilled?
Do you come home from work everyday with your energy completely zapped?
Do you feel like your natural abilities and strengths are not being utilized, thus making you feel a bit “off”?

Then chances are you are not living in alignment with your purpose.

Have you ever heard this phrase? Work is called work for a reason; it’s not supposed to be fun. Not only have you ever heard it, but do you believe it? A lot of people do. Maybe you rationalize that you should just be grateful to have a job that supports you and keeps food on the table for your family. I mean, what more could you ask for?

If this sounds familiar to you, listen up. If you’re not living a life that’s aligned with your purpose, beliefs, intentions, and innate talents, you’re doing yourself — and the rest of the world — a disservice. Here’s why.

What the heck is my life’s purpose?

If you’re like most of us, you may not be sure what your life’s purpose is yet, you just know that what you’re doing now isn’t it. If you fall into this category, don’t despair because the journey of figuring out your life’s purpose is actually incredibly exciting and many other benefits come along with it.

I strongly urge you to read through these two short articles on how to find your life’s purpose. The content may be eye-opening to you and the exercises are honestly really fun.

10 Life Purpose Tips to Help You Find Your Passion (I especially love tip #3)
Five Steps to Finding Your Life Purpose (Some really practical steps here)

I know what my purpose is, but why am I still resisting?

The one thing that holds us back from pursuing our life’s purpose, our passion — or literally anything we want — is fear. You won’t be able to live out your life’s purpose until you learn to move through the fear — the fear of the unknown, the fear of being judged, the fear that you’ll end up broke, the fear that you’re ruining your life… the list goes on.

Once you learn to push past your fears, you’ll find tremendous advantages to knowing and living in your life’s purpose and aligning that with your career. And the good news is, it’s totally possible. In this article, I offer 4 easy tips for pushing past your fears. And if you want an in-depth breakdown of actionable steps you can take to manage your fear, this is a superb article!

Why you need to find a career that’s aligned with your life’s purpose

If you know in your gut that your career is not aligned with your life’s purpose, here’s why it’s important that you start implementing changes today to turn it around.

1. You’ll enjoy the benefits of focus and clarity

The great Napoleon Hill once said, “There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.”

If you’re not clear on what your life’s purpose is, it’s difficult to make effective, meaningful decisions. The people that are most successful and happy in their careers have a definitive sense of direction — without it, you won’t be able to do the work you’re meant to do in the world.

2. You’ll start to have more fun!

Are you in a career where you dread the sound of your alarm clock every morning, doing what you have to do to get by each day, and living for the weekends? Then you’re definitely not living in alignment with your life’s purpose.

When you know your purpose and you live it each and every day, you’ll start to have more fun and learn that life is enjoyable — even on workdays!

3. You’ll fuel and enhance your passion

If you spend your days doing things that are important and meaningful to you, it will fuel and intensify your passions. You’ll start to feel the enthusiasm and curiosity that you felt when you were a child. When you do work that not only showcases your strengths and talents, but that has personal value to you, you start to feel unstoppable. You’ll never have these feelings if you aren’t in a career that’s aligned with your life’s purpose.

Ask yourself, what makes you come alive and then go do it! Whatever it is.

4. You get to be part of something bigger than yourself

When you step into your purpose, you’re not only serving the world for the better, but you’re showing others how to do the same. When you live in your purpose and share your unique talents and values with the world, you’re encouraging others to do the same just by being your authentic self. And the world needs more people who are happy, fulfilled, and pursuing their passions.

Are you ready to embark on a journey to find your dream career that’s aligned with your passions and purpose?

I put together a free, easy-to-implement 28-day job search bootcamp. This isn’t your typical approach to finding a new career — I took traditional job search methods and mixed them with your innate power of visualization to give you a roadmap to success.

Each day, you’ll need to dedicate anywhere from five minutes to an hour of your time to pursuing your life’s purpose and manifesting the job of your dreams. It is broken down in small, bite-size steps that are easy to follow and take action on.

You are the designer of your life. Stop letting life happen to you and start living a life made for you.

If you’re ready to finally share your unique talents with the world in a way that fills your cup and cultivates true happiness, download my free bootcamp calendar today. (And when it’s time to start researching job openings, here is a great list of the top job search boards.) It’s time to get clear on your life’s purpose and start taking action to find a career that’s in alignment with it — so you can touch the lives of others and leave the world better than you found it.



Nicole Steen

Expert resume writer + designer. Time and space adventurer. Believer in magic.